Sunday, July 17, 2011

Thinking about how to involve parents in Literacy and Numeracy Week?

National Literacy and Numeracy Week represents a collaborative approach by the Australian Government and school communities to highlight the importance of literacy and numeracy skills for all children and young people, with a specific focus on school-aged children. The Week gives schools the opportunity to get involved in a range of literacy and numeracy activities. The Week aims to recognise locally the achievements of students and the work of teachers, parents and members of the community who support young people to develop stronger literacy and numeracy skills. Resources for building parent capacity and confidence (engagement): Involving parents in celebrations: Literacy and Numeracy Week Website:

New Australian Lit Review on Parent Engagement

In 2010 the NSW Government announced that it was providing funds to the NSW Joint Parent Forum (comprising Government, Catholic and Independent school parent bodies) for an ‘Engaging with Parents, Carers and Families’ strategy. The strategy involves the development of ‘pre-service’ teacher training and ‘in-service’ teacher professional development modules to support enhanced parent and community involvement in schooling.

The modules are being written by the Australian Catholic University under the leadership of Dr Sue Saltmarsh and an academic advisory panel comprised of academics from the major NSW universities. A summary of the literature review undertaken for this project can be found in the latest edition of ParentNet (T3.11) due out 22 July. Click on the following link: